debian package naming scheme

Nuxeo DM debian packages used to be labeled “nuxeo-dm”. Snapshots for 5.5 are now labeled “nuxeo”.

Will it stay this way ? Will “apt update” handle it gracefully ? (moving from nuxeo-jboss to nuxeo-tomcat to nuxem-dm was a pain in the … bottom)


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It will keep the “nuxeo” name as the different products are being merged into a single one.

Update through apt will not pick the new package automatically, but when installing the nuxeo package it will detect the nuxeo-dm one and offer to move your data and configuration to the new package.
This functionality should be in the snapshots in a day or two.

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The latest snapshot package has the migration code. Known failure conditions:

  • open connection to the previous package autoconfigured database
  • open connection using the previous autoconfigured database user
  • open file il the previous package data dir (previous package being nuxeo-dm, nuxeo-dam or nuxeo-cmf)