¿What is the easiest way to create a widget for the metadata tab with server side JAVA code?

Hi, I'm trying to show a generated image in server side in the content view. I was thinking in extend de REST Api service with my JAVA method and embed the binary in a widget as an HTML image resource. The image must be generated from one of the fields (like a QR code).

And the question is that: Exist an easier way to do this without extending the REST Api?

(Maybe some JSF/SEAM…)

Thanks in advance

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I am trying to fill a widget field with text in server side, if you already found a solution or anyone else share it, it may help me too. Thank you

Dalal I found a workaround for this. You can get a clue with the Nuxeo Sample Project, using the BookManager and consuming it with https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo-sample-project

Don't forget to put a seam.properties file in your resource folder.


JVent I'll check it out Thanks.