Filter (hierarchical) vocabulary used in widget


it is possible to filter parents in the vocabulary directory used by a widget (suggestion)

How can I filter entries in this directory ? Especially in hierarchical vocabulary, if I want all children entries for a given parent.

It seems that, out of the box, Studio offers no solution for this, maybe something can be done on the display side using the suggestion formatter.


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2 answers



I setup a custom operation that allows to add two extra parameters to the directory suggestion widget :

parameter name and parameter value

They are simply added to the filter so that you could choose “parent” with any value ( possibly fetched from the form using DOM)

Another use case is to have a custom vocabulary type including a user field : the operation allows some kind of permission on vocabulary entries.

0 votes

Hope the answers in this link works for you. I had similar requirement to filter out from directories. It worked for me. Hope it helps u too. Kindly revert me if needed.

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