just installed Java 1.8 Update 45 is recognized by oracle but not by Nuxeo with doesn't start

Hello We have just installed Java version 8 update 45 on MAC Yosemite (after removing older versions), and it is recognized by Oracle (https://java.com/es/download/installed.jsp) but is not by Nuxeo.

I found in the forums that maybe is something to do with a soft link named CurrentJDK which points to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/

So That means that I need to install something more?

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1 answers



In what way is it not recognized by Nuxeo? Are there any error messages? What happens if you type java -version at the terminal?

Hello Florent

It was my fault: I installed jre instead of jdk.

I've remove java jre and installed jdk 8 update 45 and Nuxeo now is working and fine.

Thanks for your attention.

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