Nuxeo 5.5+Studio : Page Footer branding

Hi, How can I edit the pages footer to customize it for our company : For now items ( Contact us | Blogs | Community | Forum | Documentation |) are all links to Nuxeo features.

Is it possible with studio ?

Thanks for your help, Patrice

0 votes

2 answers



This can be customized by overriding the nuxeo.war/incl/nuxeo_footer.xhtml template: these links are “hardcoded” right now.

Sadly this cannot be done from Studio right now but we'll try to make it possible in the future.

1 votes


With studio extension point you can hide this actions with filters and add your action in category footer as example:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService" point="actions">
    <action id="truc"
      link="" type="bare_link"
      label="label.truc.blabla" order="50">
          <property name="target">_blank</property>

   <action id="footer_contact_us">
   <action id="footer_blogs">
   <action id="footer_community">
    <action id="footer_answers">
   <action id="footer_forum">
    <action id="footer_documentation">
    <action id="footer_twitter">
    <action id="footer_linkedin">
1 votes