BUG on workflow-document rights


Now I have a Problem on workflow documents rights. I did'nt change anything in the automation chains but The rights on the “WORKFLOW DOCUMENT” are no more available for other user than workflow initiator.

What appended to the next user:

  • can see the document,

  • can see the task

  • can click on button

  • error message on click task button

    Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: #{routingTaskActions.endTask(task)}: org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentSecurityException: Privilege 'ReadLifeCycle' is not granted to 'userName'

This is because of a bug on task-node assignees input : http://answers.nuxeo.com/questions/6022/bug-on-workflow-assignees-in-nuxeo-studio

Do you know why this problem appened and how to correct it?

thank you

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1 answers



Indeed, there is a bug when using as a task assignees a groupname containing “:“, I opened https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-11833 to fix it.

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thank you very much