exception while deleting a document using rest API URL /nuxeo/site/api/v1/id/:contentID

I calling Nuxeo rest API to delete a document like below:

DELETE: /nuxeo/site/api/v1/id/:9b2e39ca-b1cc-4df2-8243-0e3b8bd46032

Result: document is getting deleted from database but always throws an error like below: {“entity-type”:“exception”,“code”:“javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException”,“status”:500,“message”:null}

Can you please help me what I am missing?

Thanks, Surekha

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Without the server-side error in server.log we cannot know more.

Hi Surekha,

Can you please elaborate on your problem, providing what Florent has suggested. This post has received an extraordinary amount of interest over the last few weeks, so it may be useful to provide your own answer, if you happen to solve the problem. Or, elaborate further.

Also, it may be possible that the runtime error you are receiving is a bug, and therefore will be important for the Nuxeo developers to know.


