Delete Specific Attachment From Document

Hello Guys,

I have Problem in Removing Specific Attachment From Document. When I try to delete attachment with index 3, it will always delete last attachment that is index 0.

I have tried using below code. DocumentService ds = session.getAdapter(DocumentService.class); org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.model.DocRef docRef = new org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.model.DocRef(DOCID); ds.removeBlob(docRef, “files/content[3]“);

Please any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

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2 answers



This bug has been recently identified and fixed, see NXP-19010.

0 votes

Thank you for showing right path. we are using nx 8.2, so is there any patch to resolve this issue in 8.2 ?

Thank you

0 votes

Please don't use the Answers section to ask followup questions. 8.2 is a Fast Track release, there are no patches for it, you are supposed to upgrade to the next Fast Track of LTS version when available. Nuxeo LTS 2016 (8.10) will be available in a few days.