How is the multi tenant user query supposed to work?

I'm using the Automation API to create users for isolated tenants with the multi-tenant plugin installed.

Before creating the user I check if they already exist by querying using something like this:

        Blob blob = (Blob) session.newRequest("Services.QueryUsers")
                .set("pattern", userId)
                .set("tenantId", tenantId)

Sadly, however, even if I have a user with that userId in that tenant I get back 0 users.

I believe that this is because of the code in QueryUsers which is part of the multi-tenant plugin. As part of the run() method there is code which does this:

        Map<String, Serializable> filter = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
        for (String field : FULLTEXT_FIELDS) {
            filter.put(field, pattern);

            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tenantId)) {
                filter.put("tenantId", tenantId);

            users.addAll(userManager.searchUsers(filter, filter.keySet()));

however I believe that the creation of the filter should be moved inside the loop like this:

         for (String field : FULLTEXT_FIELDS) {
             Map<String, Serializable> filter = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
            filter.put(field, pattern);

            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tenantId)) {
                filter.put("tenantId", tenantId);

            users.addAll(userManager.searchUsers(filter, filter.keySet()));

which will give you a match for a userId, lastname or firstName. Currently even though I use an existing userId I get nothing back as the Set used for FULLTEXT_FIELDS supplies lastname first and I am never matching that.

I've patched my version and it seems to work fine - What is the protocol for pull requests etc?


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1 answers




Thanks for the report. I've created a JIRA issue for it: NXP-16448

I will fix it according to your solution. It will be available on the next FT 7.2, and I will backport it on 6.0 also.

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