Operation publication into Nuxeo Studio Failed
I created a new operation through Nuxeo IDE with Parameters with Nuxeo Studio as following:
@Operation(id = MyOperation.ID, category = Constants.CAT_SERVICES, label = "My Operation", description = "")
public class MyOperation {
public static final String ID = "Relations.CreateRelation";
protected CoreSession session;
@Param(name = "aStringParameter", required=false, values = "MyDefaultValueProposedInStudio")
protected boolean outgoing = "MyDefaultValueProposedInStudio";
@OperationMethod(collector = DocumentModelCollector.class)
public DocumentModel run(DocumentModel doc) throws Exception {
I had an ugly message from IDE that tells me:
Cannot introspect operation MyOperation.java
Cannot extract annotations values in ....
What is my mistake, please.
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