Sync file servers


Our company has 3 offices in different locations. We're looking for a way to keep a common document structure for all our users. My problem is that the amount of data is quite big (over 1TB), so we can't make all the single user keep their workstation in sync with the Nuxeo server. One solution would be that the user work with the files on their local office file server (via shared folders), and that the 3 file servers keep in Sync with the Nuxeo server.

Are there any drawbacks in such an architecture?

Thanks for your help!

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1 answers



You could take advantage of Nuxeo Edge Cache for limiting the download traffic. You can contact a sales representative for getting more information about Nuxeo Edge Cache.

Nuxeo Drive (pobably what you think of using for the sync) is not designed to work on a shared folder with actions from different peoples and one Nuxeo drive running for the shared folder. So that's not the way to go.

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