Syntax for Automation Document.Filter condition
I'd like to filter my list of documents based on the value in one of the document fields. I've tried this:
- Seam.GetSelectedDocuments
- Document.Filter: class: Any condition: “@{Document.getPropertyValue(xx:xx_status)=='Accepted'}”
But obviously the condition syntax is wrong. I'd like the output list of documents to all have xx_status value equal to Accepted, and any documents whose value is NOT Accepted should be excluded from the list.
This is the error message: An error occured while executing the chain 'ua-ReadyForScheduleFacilitation': [Error: unresolvable property or identifier: xx] [Near : {… Document.getPropertyValue(xx:xx_status)=='Accepted' ….}] ^ [Line: 1, Column: 27]
Am I using Document.Filter incorrectly? Can anyone help me with the EL syntax for this condition? Thanks!