Get changeable document data from automation context in web ui


I am using a nuxeo-document-suggestion-widget (in a creation form layout) which is calling an automation chain with just one custom operation :

<chain id="SearchHWPDocuments">
    <operation id="SearchDocuments">
        <param type="string" name="searchTerm">expr:ChainParameters["searchTerm"]</param>
        <param type="string" name="doctype">hwp_document</param>
        <param type="string" name="parentId"></param>

I would like to pass the id of the parent of the document being created to the “parentId” param.

I wanted to try something like that :

<chain id="SearchHWPDocuments">
    <operation id="Context.FetchDocument"/>
    <operation id="Document.GetParent"/>
    <operation id="SearchDocuments">
        <param type="string" name="searchTerm">expr:ChainParameters["searchTerm"]</param>
        <param type="string" name="doctype">hwp_document</param>
        <param type="string" name="parentId"></param>

The problem is that the input of the chain is void, so the Context.FetchDocument operation is not working and I got this error :

org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.InvalidChainException: Cannot find any valid path in operation chain - no method found for operation 'Context.FetchDocument' and for first input type 'void'

Does someone know how I could do this ?

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