why? Nuxeo doesn't show workflow tab when type document is Folderish
Nuxeo doesn't show workflow tab when type document is Folderish. I need show this tab in my case
Workflow is enabled by default only on two document types: File and Note. This does not mean however that it cannot be enabled for other document types.
To enable the workflow on other document types please use these instructions: Enable workflow on your document type
Please note that Folderish refers to a facet, not a document type, and the procedure in the link above provides workflow association with document types.
Now when the workflow is enabled you can activate/display the “Workflow” tab on your “Folderish” documents:
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService" point="actions">
<action id="TAB_CONTENT_JBPM" link="/incl/tabs/document_process.xhtml"
enabled="true" label="action.view.review" icon="/icons/file.gif"
<filter id="jbpm-process" append="true">
<rule grant="true">
Afterwards you'll need to associate specific workflows to be available for the required document types (please note I'm listing here document types, not facets - this is because the default JbpmService filter operates on types - however you still could rewrite the default filter):
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.jbpm.core.JbpmService"
<type name="Folder">
The last important thing to do is to provide the “require” clause to make sure your workflow/tab definitions are not overridden by those defined in another extension.