Parameters of Nuxeo CSV

I have a problem with Nuxeo, when I want to import my files with their attachements. It's necessary to adopt the parameters of The nuxeo CSV. For example : They define “dc:title” for title and “dc:description” for description.

here is how it works :

"nuxeo-csv-userdoc","File","Nuxeo CSV User documentation","This is the user guide for Nuxeo CSV","C:/../nuxeo-csv-userdoc.pdf","user"

My file is different, and I want to choose my parameters. For example, I have a date, society name, supplier, ID…which is different from what suggest Nuxeo. Do you have any idea how to do this.



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1 answers



You should prefix your fields with the schema name. For example, dc:title is the way it is because the dublincore schema (dc) has a field called 'title'. So for whatever custom schemas or doc types you've created, you can add the fields into a csv by following the same syntax: schemaname:fieldname. Your Society field, for example, is missing the schema (as well as all your other custom fields).

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