\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n**2)** The next step is to contribute to the \"RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS\" slot. You can do this by creating another HTML file with the following content. I named this file \"nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\", but you can name it as you want.\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n```\r\nTake in mind that you need to import the HTML we have created before, and add the new element (that in my case, I named \"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2\"). Also pay attention to the \"hard\" label I have added in the element.\r\n\r\n**3)** Just like any WebUI contribution, you need to add it to the resources point. To do that, create a new extension like this:\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n \r\n\t/ui/nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\t\r\n\t nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\r\n\t\r\n \r\n\r\n```\r\nAs you can see, I have referenced \"nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\" file, which is the file I have created in step 2.\r\n\r\nWith this, you will have the \"hard delete\" button when you select trashed documents, keeping the \"trash document\" button if you select not trashed documents.\r\n\r\nRegards!\r\n\r\n", "htmlContent" : "



the solution to this is quite tricky, as I think there is a small bug in “nuxeo-delete-documents-button” element, more specifically in the “_isAvailable” function. Anyway, here is the step-by-step solution:


1) First of all, create your own “nuxeo-delete-documents-button” element. Take special attention to the “_isAvailable” function, as I have changed it. The last condition should be this.hard && this._checkDocsAreTrashed(). In this way, the “hard delete” button will only appears if you are selecting trashed documents.


As you are creating a new element, remember to change its “id” in the first line and in the Polymer script. In my case, for example, I named it “nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2”.

<dom-module id=\"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2\" assetpath=\"nuxeo-document-bulk-actions/\">\n  <template>\n    <style include=\"nuxeo-action-button-styles\"></style>\n\n    <nuxeo-operation id=\"deleteOp\" op=\"Document.Delete\" sync-indexing=\"\"></nuxeo-operation>\n\n    <nuxeo-operation id=\"trashOp\" op=\"Document.Trash\" sync-indexing=\"\"></nuxeo-operation>\n\n    <template is=\"dom-if\" if=\"[[_isAvailable(documents.splices)]]\">\n      <div class=\"action\" on-tap=\"deleteDocuments\">\n        <paper-icon-button icon=\"[[_icon]]\" id=\"deleteAllButton\"></paper-icon-button>\n        <span class=\"label\" hidden$=\"[[!showLabel]]\">[[_label]]</span>\n      </div>\n      <nuxeo-tooltip for=\"deleteAllButton\" position=\"[[tooltipPosition]]\">[[_label]]</nuxeo-tooltip>\n    </template>\n  </template>\n\n  <script>\n    Polymer({\n      is: 'nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2',\n      behaviors: [Nuxeo.I18nBehavior, Nuxeo.FiltersBehavior],\n      properties: {\n        documents: {\n          type: Array,\n          notify: true,\n          value: []\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Permanently delete the documents.\n         */\n        hard: {\n          type: Boolean,\n          value: false\n        },\n\n        tooltipPosition: {\n          type: String,\n          value: 'bottom'\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * `true` if the action should display the label, `false` otherwise.\n         */\n        showLabel: {\n          type: Boolean,\n          value: false,\n        },\n\n        _icon: {\n          type: 'String',\n          computed: '_computeIcon(hard)'\n        },\n\n        _label: {\n          type: 'String',\n          computed: '_computeLabel(hard, i18n)'\n        }\n      },\n\n      deleteDocuments: function() {\n        if (this.docsHavePermissions && confirm(this.i18n('deleteDocumentsButton.confirm.deleteDocuments'))) {\n          if (this.documents && this.documents.length) {\n            var uids = this.documents.map(function(doc) {\n              return doc.uid;\n            }).join(',');\n            var op = this.hard ? this.$.deleteOp : this.$.trashOp;\n            op.input = 'docs:' + uids;\n            op.execute().then(function() {\n              this.fire('nuxeo-documents-deleted', {documents: this.documents});\n              this.documents = [];\n              this.fire('refresh');\n            }.bind(this),\n            function(error) {\n              this.fire('nuxeo-documents-deleted', {error: error, documents: this.documents});\n            }.bind(this));\n          }\n        }\n      },\n\n      /**\n       * Action is available if all selected items are not trashed and `hard` is not active OR if all selected items\n       * are trashed and `hard` is active.\n       */\n      _isAvailable: function() {\n        return this.documents && this.documents.length > 0 && this._checkDocsPermissions() &&\n            (this.hard && this._checkDocsAreTrashed());\n      },\n\n      /**\n       * Checks if all selected documents are trashed.\n       */\n      _checkDocsAreTrashed: function() {\n        return this.documents.every(function(document) {\n          return this.isTrashed(document);\n        }.bind(this));\n      },\n\n      _checkDocsPermissions: function() {\n        this.docsHavePermissions = this.documents && !(this.documents.some(\n          function(document) {\n            return !this._docHasPermissions(document);\n          }.bind(this)));\n        return this.docsHavePermissions;\n      },\n\n      /*\n       * Checks if a single given document has 'Everything' permission to delete or 'Write' to trash\n       */\n      _docHasPermissions: function(document) {\n        return this.hasPermission(document, 'Everything') || (!this.hard && this.hasPermission(document, 'Write'));\n      },\n\n      _computeIcon: function(hard) {\n        return hard ? 'nuxeo:delete-permanently' : 'nuxeo:delete';\n      },\n\n      _computeLabel: function(hard) {\n        return this.i18n(hard ? 'deleteDocumentsButton.tooltip.permanently' : 'deleteDocumentsButton.tooltip');\n      }\n    });\n  </script>\n\n</dom-module>\n

2) The next step is to contribute to the “RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS” slot. You can do this by creating another HTML file with the following content. I named this file “nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html”, but you can name it as you want.

<link rel=\"import\" href=\"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2.html\">\n\n<nuxeo-slot-content name=\"hardDeleteSelectionAction\" slot=\"RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS\" order=\"30\">\n  <template>\n    <nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2 documents=\"[[selectedItems]]\" hard></nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2>\n  </template>\n</nuxeo-slot-content>\n

Take in mind that you need to import the HTML we have created before, and add the new element (that in my case, I named “nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2”). Also pay attention to the “hard” label I have added in the element.


3) Just like any WebUI contribution, you need to add it to the resources point. To do that, create a new extension like this:

<extension target=\"org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.WebResources\" point=\"resources\">\n    <resource name=\"nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\" type=\"import\" shrinkable=\"false\">\n    <uri>/ui/nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html</uri>\n    </resource>\n</extension>\n<extension target=\"org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.WebResources\" point=\"bundles\">\n    <bundle name=\"web-ui\">\n    <resources append=\"true\">\n            <resource>nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html</resource>\n    </resources>\n    </bundle>\n</extension>\n

As you can see, I have referenced “nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html” file, which is the file I have created in step 2.


With this, you will have the “hard delete” button when you select trashed documents, keeping the “trash document” button if you select not trashed documents.



" }, { "id" : "f3dfda86-2dc7-47df-bfec-6e33b6d14a61", "label" : "1", "active" : false, "author" : { "uid" : "b0011555-846d-404a-b4a4-85bc56946f40", "name" : "b0011555-846d-404a-b4a4-85bc56946f40", "email" : "rodricmate@gmail.com", "firstName" : "Rodri", "lastName" : "", "title" : "Member", "score" : 2962, "disabled" : false, "virtual" : false, "badgeCount" : null, "notifications" : null, "badges" : [ "watcher", "lucky", "editor", "lonesome", "famous", "fairplay", "puzzler", "student", "notableq", "revival", "hope", "scholar", "commentator", "watched", "teacher", "striker", "popular" ], "loginCount" : 63, "lastLogin" : 1604065963343, "avatarUrl" : "https://app.quandora.com/skin/avatar/b0011555-846d-404a-b4a4-85bc56946f40?sz=%s" }, "created" : "2020-03-07T10:18:40.90Z", "createdAt" : "03/07/2020", "title" : null, "content" : "Hello,\r\n\r\nthe solution to this is quite tricky, as I think there is a small bug in \"nuxeo-delete-documents-button\" element, more specifically in the \"_isAvailable\" function. Anyway, here is the step-by-step solution:\r\n\r\n1) First of all, create your own \"nuxeo-delete-documents-button\" element. Take special attention to the \"_isAvailable\" function, as I have change it. The last condition should be **this.hard && this._checkDocsAreTrashed()**. In this way, the \"hard delete\" button will only appears if you are selecting trashed documents.\r\n\r\nAs you are creating a new element, remember to change its \"id\" in the first line and in the Polymer script. In my case, for example, I named it \"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2\".\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n2) The next step is to contribute to the \"RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS\" slot. You can do this by creating another HTML file with the following content. I name this file \"nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\", but you can named it as you want.\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n```\r\nTake in mind that you need to import the HTML we have created before, and add the new element (that in my case, I named \"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2\"). Also pay attention to the \"hard\" label I have added in the element.\r\n\r\n3) Just like any WebUI contributions, you need to add it to the resources point. Create a new extension like this:\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n \r\n\t/ui/nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\t\r\n\t nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\r\n\t\r\n \r\n\r\n```\r\nAs you can see, I have referenced \"nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\" file, which is the file I have created in step 2.\r\n\r\nWith this, you will have the \"hard delete\" button when you select trashed documents.\r\n\r\nRegards!\r\n\r\n", "htmlContent" : "



the solution to this is quite tricky, as I think there is a small bug in “nuxeo-delete-documents-button” element, more specifically in the “_isAvailable” function. Anyway, here is the step-by-step solution:


1) First of all, create your own “nuxeo-delete-documents-button” element. Take special attention to the “_isAvailable” function, as I have change it. The last condition should be this.hard && this._checkDocsAreTrashed(). In this way, the “hard delete” button will only appears if you are selecting trashed documents.


As you are creating a new element, remember to change its “id” in the first line and in the Polymer script. In my case, for example, I named it “nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2”.

<dom-module id=\"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2\" assetpath=\"nuxeo-document-bulk-actions/\">\n  <template>\n    <style include=\"nuxeo-action-button-styles\"></style>\n\n    <nuxeo-operation id=\"deleteOp\" op=\"Document.Delete\" sync-indexing=\"\"></nuxeo-operation>\n\n    <nuxeo-operation id=\"trashOp\" op=\"Document.Trash\" sync-indexing=\"\"></nuxeo-operation>\n\n    <template is=\"dom-if\" if=\"[[_isAvailable(documents.splices)]]\">\n      <div class=\"action\" on-tap=\"deleteDocuments\">\n        <paper-icon-button icon=\"[[_icon]]\" id=\"deleteAllButton\"></paper-icon-button>\n        <span class=\"label\" hidden$=\"[[!showLabel]]\">[[_label]]</span>\n      </div>\n      <nuxeo-tooltip for=\"deleteAllButton\" position=\"[[tooltipPosition]]\">[[_label]]</nuxeo-tooltip>\n    </template>\n  </template>\n\n  <script>\n    Polymer({\n      is: 'nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2',\n      behaviors: [Nuxeo.I18nBehavior, Nuxeo.FiltersBehavior],\n      properties: {\n        documents: {\n          type: Array,\n          notify: true,\n          value: []\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Permanently delete the documents.\n         */\n        hard: {\n          type: Boolean,\n          value: false\n        },\n\n        tooltipPosition: {\n          type: String,\n          value: 'bottom'\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * `true` if the action should display the label, `false` otherwise.\n         */\n        showLabel: {\n          type: Boolean,\n          value: false,\n        },\n\n        _icon: {\n          type: 'String',\n          computed: '_computeIcon(hard)'\n        },\n\n        _label: {\n          type: 'String',\n          computed: '_computeLabel(hard, i18n)'\n        }\n      },\n\n      deleteDocuments: function() {\n        if (this.docsHavePermissions && confirm(this.i18n('deleteDocumentsButton.confirm.deleteDocuments'))) {\n          if (this.documents && this.documents.length) {\n            var uids = this.documents.map(function(doc) {\n              return doc.uid;\n            }).join(',');\n            var op = this.hard ? this.$.deleteOp : this.$.trashOp;\n            op.input = 'docs:' + uids;\n            op.execute().then(function() {\n              this.fire('nuxeo-documents-deleted', {documents: this.documents});\n              this.documents = [];\n              this.fire('refresh');\n            }.bind(this),\n            function(error) {\n              this.fire('nuxeo-documents-deleted', {error: error, documents: this.documents});\n            }.bind(this));\n          }\n        }\n      },\n\n      /**\n       * Action is available if all selected items are not trashed and `hard` is not active OR if all selected items\n       * are trashed and `hard` is active.\n       */\n      _isAvailable: function() {\n        return this.documents && this.documents.length > 0 && this._checkDocsPermissions() &&\n            (this.hard && this._checkDocsAreTrashed());\n      },\n\n      /**\n       * Checks if all selected documents are trashed.\n       */\n      _checkDocsAreTrashed: function() {\n        return this.documents.every(function(document) {\n          return this.isTrashed(document);\n        }.bind(this));\n      },\n\n      _checkDocsPermissions: function() {\n        this.docsHavePermissions = this.documents && !(this.documents.some(\n          function(document) {\n            return !this._docHasPermissions(document);\n          }.bind(this)));\n        return this.docsHavePermissions;\n      },\n\n      /*\n       * Checks if a single given document has 'Everything' permission to delete or 'Write' to trash\n       */\n      _docHasPermissions: function(document) {\n        return this.hasPermission(document, 'Everything') || (!this.hard && this.hasPermission(document, 'Write'));\n      },\n\n      _computeIcon: function(hard) {\n        return hard ? 'nuxeo:delete-permanently' : 'nuxeo:delete';\n      },\n\n      _computeLabel: function(hard) {\n        return this.i18n(hard ? 'deleteDocumentsButton.tooltip.permanently' : 'deleteDocumentsButton.tooltip');\n      }\n    });\n  </script>\n\n</dom-module>\n

2) The next step is to contribute to the “RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS” slot. You can do this by creating another HTML file with the following content. I name this file “nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html”, but you can named it as you want.

<link rel=\"import\" href=\"nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2.html\">\n\n<nuxeo-slot-content name=\"hardDeleteSelectionAction\" slot=\"RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS\" order=\"30\">\n  <template>\n    <nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2 documents=\"[[selectedItems]]\" hard></nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2>\n  </template>\n</nuxeo-slot-content>\n

Take in mind that you need to import the HTML we have created before, and add the new element (that in my case, I named “nuxeo-delete-documents-button-v2”). Also pay attention to the “hard” label I have added in the element.


3) Just like any WebUI contributions, you need to add it to the resources point. Create a new extension like this:

<extension target=\"org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.WebResources\" point=\"resources\">\n    <resource name=\"nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html\" type=\"import\" shrinkable=\"false\">\n    <uri>/ui/nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html</uri>\n    </resource>\n</extension>\n<extension target=\"org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.WebResources\" point=\"bundles\">\n    <bundle name=\"web-ui\">\n    <resources append=\"true\">\n            <resource>nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html</resource>\n    </resources>\n    </bundle>\n</extension>\n

As you can see, I have referenced “nuxeo-custom-bundle-contribution.html” file, which is the file I have created in step 2.


With this, you will have the “hard delete” button when you select trashed documents.



" } ] }; Versioning.getActiveVersion = function() { var versions = this.versions; for (var i=0,len=versions.length;i

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