i can't implement an action in my server Exemple http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/public/NXDOC/How+to+implement+an+Action


i did the same instruction in http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/public/NXDOC/How+to+implement+an+Action

i put my .jar file in /nxsever/bundles/ and started the server. but i can't see the icon in the workspace !!!

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1 answers



can you check the server.log file what is there logged when the system is starting ?

As you use Nuxeo IDE, you can create an action through the Action Bean wizard that will handle your action creation for you directly without touching the xml at first. And refresh the deploy server after to see the action displayed.

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Don't hesitate to read the IDE documentation to get all informations needed -> http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/IDEDOC/Nuxeo+IDE+Documentation+Center

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