Getting the Nuxeo Source Code: failed to execute maven-antrun-plugin


I am trying to get the nuxeo sources. My purpose is to modify a java source code and to realize a jar to put in nxserver/bundle. I've follow this but during the compilation with “mvn -DskipTests install -Paddons,distrib” i get an error.

[INFO] Nuxeo Startup Wizard WebDriver tests …………… SKIPPED [INFO] Nuxeo JSF UI WebDriver Tests ………………….. SKIPPED [INFO] Nuxeo JSF UI Funkload tests and bench ………….. SKIPPED [INFO] Nuxeo JSF UI Gatling Bench ……………………. SKIPPED [INFO] ———————————————————————— [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ———————————————————————— [INFO] Total time: 07:58 min [INFO] Finished at: 2017-05-23T16:52:18+02:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 883M/3105M [INFO] ———————————————————————— [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (bower-install) on project nuxeo-preview-core: An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line: [ERROR] /home/jean-michel/nuxeo/nuxeo-features/preview/nuxeo-preview-core/build.xml:25: exec returned: 1 [ERROR] around Ant part …… @ 4:181 in /home/jean-michel/nuxeo/nuxeo-features/preview/nuxeo-preview-core/target/antrun/build-main.xml

For information:

  • npm -v returns 4.6.1
  • npm install => npm WARN The package grunt is included as both a dev and production dependency.
  • ~/nuxeo$ bower install => bower ENOENT No bower.json present
  • ~/nuxeo$ grunt => A valid Gruntfile could not be found. Please see the getting started guide for more information on how to configure grunt: Fatal error: Unable to find Gruntfile.

Could you help me ? Thanks in advance

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