TagService not returning all Tags

Is there a reason why TagServce would not return all the tags for a document? I do not have an exception or anything.

These tags were added programatically as so:

TagService tagService = Framework.getService(TagService.class);

for(int i=0; i<tags.length; i++)
    tagService.tag(session, doc.getId(), tags[i], session.getPrincipal().getName());

I then use the following code to get the tags:

TagService tagService = Framework.getService(TagService.class);

List<Tag> tagList = tagService.getDocumentTags(session, doc.getId(), session.getPrincipal().getName());

Only one tag is returned on a document that clearly has 5 tags. The only tag it returns is the one that I added myself inside the Nuxeo UI (not programmatically).

Thank you in advance.

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1 answers



I don't see a reason why it would do that, except maybe a missing CoreSession.save() somewhere?

I found the problem.

When I used the tag service to place the tags, they did not belong to particular user.

So when I pulled them using the following code

List<Tag> tagList = tagService.getDocumentTags(session, doc.getId(), session.getPrincipal().getName());

It was only pulling the ones I added via the limit I placed.

The fix is to not set a user as so:

List<Tag> tagList = tagService.getDocumentTags(session, doc.getId(), null);

I am now getting all of the tags for the document.

I hope this helps someone.

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