choose "default start Page" when user is connecting
Is there an extension point to set the default home page ?
On Nuxeo 5.6 my user starts after connection on “Server default Domain”. Is it possible to start on “HOME>dashboard”
Using I try Deployment Extensions :
<extension target="pages#PAGES">
<page view-id="/nxstartup.xhtml"
action="#{startupHelper.initDomainAndFindStartupPage('Default domain','user_dashboard')}" />
but it's still on “document mangement” tab.
Only administrators have the 'document management' as the home page. Normal users' home is user_dashboard. Could you check ?
action="#{startupHelper.initDomainAndFindStartupPage('Default domain', 'view')}" view-id="/nxstartup.xhtml"/>
<page view-id="/view_domains.xhtml">
Second one (I found my studio-comment on it)
action="#{startupHelper.initDomainAndFindStartupPage('Default domain', 'user_dashboard')}" view-id="/nxstartup.xhtml"/>
Should the first not being there ? thanks you