How complicated would it be to implement Elasticsearch as a NoSQL datastore for Nuxeo ?

Hi. Seeing that Nuxeo supports NoSQL such as MongoDB, I'd like to know how hard/complicated it would be if I wanted to implement a driver / plugin that supports using Elasticsearch as the main data store for Nuxeo (not just for indexing). I though of using the DBS implementation, like Nuxeo did for MongoDB.

Any ideas? Could I write it as a plugin, or do I have to edit the Nuxeo-Core code?

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1 answers



We've considered it before. The main issue is that Elasticsearch indexing is asynchronous whereas all Nuxeo platform expect document changes after creation/modification to immediately visible (which is what you expect of a storage engine).

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Thats true, but GET operations are in realtime: So basically I think that the behavior would be very similar to how Nuxeo works currently: Searches are near-realtime, and reads are real-time.

Nuxeo expects synchronous searches too for a number of internal operations, like finding children, proxies, related documents, etc.