how can my customized schema inherit properties of file.xsd?

I am using “Blob.Attach” of rest api to attach blob to the document but i get exception from the Nuxeo automation client as it search's for the property “file:content” , which actually comes from file.xsd schema whereas i am using newFile.xsd schema to create the document.

so how do i store the blob ? is it possible that my customized document type schema i.e newFile.xsd can inherit the properties of file.xsd?

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1 answers



You can use the xs:include element to have multiple schemas (provided you use the same targetNamespace - otherwise you'd have to use import instead of include). Here is an example where the core-types.xsd schema is included inside Nuxeo's file.xsd schema:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""

  <xs:include schemaLocation="core-types.xsd" />

  <xs:element name="filename" type="xs:string" />
  <xs:element name="content" type="nxs:content" />

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