Reloaded components are not started
When components get reloaded they will stay in activated state and will not get started.
The problem seems to be in ComponentManagerImpl.applyStashWhenRunning () where new components are activated in one loop, and then in the next “isStandby()” loop when new components should be added to standby list, components are already in activated state instead of resolved, so they will not be added to the list.
Because components are not added to the standby list, they will not be started when resumed.
// activate the new components
for (RegistrationInfo ri : stash.toAdd) {
if (ri.isResolved()) {
if (isStandby()) {
// activate the new components
for (RegistrationInfo ri : stash.toAdd) {
if (ri.isResolved()) {
// add new components to standby list
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