JSF-UI : 404 errors when loading js files

Hi, I built the LTS2016 - JSF UI platorm from the sources, with the last hotfix HF42, and since then appeared 404 errors when loading some javascript files. This malfunction happens on certain actions, like the preview, and the user is returned to the homepage. . But sometimes it works ..

For example:

404 GET widget-utils.min.js.faces?ln=org.nuxeo&ts=1551115413598

404 GET select2.min.js.faces?ln=org.nuxeo.select2&ts=1551115413598

404 GET nuxeo-select2.min.js.faces?ln=org.nuxeo.select2&ts=1551115413598

404 GET nuxeo-select2-init.min.js.faces?ln=org.nuxeo.select2&ts=1551115413598

404 GET nuxeo-suggestbox.js.faces?ln=js&ts=1551115413598

404 GET select2_locale_fr.js.faces?ln=org.nuxeo.select2&ts=1551115413598

Should we go back, and if so, which version of HF works fine? Thanks in advance. Henri.

NB : it used to work fine with the HF30 version.

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Is the optimization provided with HF36 working well with this version of Nuxeo? For information, if I delete the cache for js and scripts the following way, it works much better (no HTTP 404 anymore) .

web-request-controller-contrib.xml : … filterConfig name="js" cached="false" … filterConfig name="scripts" cached="false" …
