", "htmlContent" : "

Hi Edgar,


Using Deploy annotations on method does not do anything. In fact you should not be able to do this. We need to fix the target of the Deploy and LocalDeploy annotation. But what you can do is inject the test harness like this:


" }, { "id" : "4a94fd8f-9ed7-4a67-a88b-f49bf861d933", "label" : "1", "active" : false, "author" : { "uid" : "4c5c5109-5630-4551-acad-8ad94bf66fe9", "name" : "4c5c5109-5630-4551-acad-8ad94bf66fe9", "email" : "ldoguin@nuxeo.com", "firstName" : "Laurent", "lastName" : "Doguin", "title" : "Member", "score" : 6557, "disabled" : false, "virtual" : false, "badgeCount" : null, "notifications" : { "email" : { "name" : "email", "address" : "ldoguin@nuxeo.com", "notifs" : [ "EditMyAnswer", "CommentMyAnswer", "NewQuestionComment", "EditMyQuestion", "AnswerMyQuestion", "WeeklyDigest", "VoteMyQuestion", "BadgeAwarded", "VoteMyAnswer", "TagMyQuestion", "CommentMyQuestion", "NewQuestion", "NewAnswerComment", "NewAnswer" ] }, "phone" : null }, "badges" : [ "commentator", "watched", "teacher", "fairplay", "student", "pundit", "notableq", "enthusiast", "revival", "hope", "scholar", "popular" ], "loginCount" : 0, "lastLogin" : 1401720617000, "avatarUrl" : "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/62d7eb66dd95f6d2aba9ff4de55963e9?d=mm&s=%s" }, "created" : "2013-02-05T12:20:01.00Z", "createdAt" : "02/05/2013", "title" : null, "content" : "Hi Edgar,\n\nUsing Deploy annotations on method does not do anything. In fact you should not be able to do this. We need to fix the target of the Deploy and LocalDeploy annotation. But what you can do is inject the test harness like this: \n\n @Inject\n protected RuntimeHarness harness.\n\n @Test \n public void myTest() throws Exception {\n // deploy the complete bundle\n harness.deployBundle(\"org.my.service\");\n // deploy a specific contribution\n harness.deployContrib(\"org.my.service\",\"OSGI-INF/my-test-contrib.xml\");\n }", "htmlContent" : "

Hi Edgar,


Using Deploy annotations on method does not do anything. In fact you should not be able to do this. We need to fix the target of the Deploy and LocalDeploy annotation. But what you can do is inject the test harness like this:

@Inject\nprotected RuntimeHarness harness.\n\n@Test  \npublic void myTest() throws Exception {\n    // deploy the complete bundle\n    harness.deployBundle(\"org.my.service\");\n    // deploy a specific contribution\n    harness.deployContrib(\"org.my.service\",\"OSGI-INF/my-test-contrib.xml\");\n}\n
" } ] }; Versioning.getActiveVersion = function() { var versions = this.versions; for (var i=0,len=versions.length;i

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