API: Multiple document input on automation call
I'm struggeling with the documentation explanation. I'd like to call the automation chain with the rest api, with multiple documents on input. I have no problem with one document; the body request look like that:
"input": "my-document-1-id"
But when I want to add another document on the same input, It throw back a “org.nuxeo.ecm.core.model.NoSuchDocumentException”. I believe the request body should be like this, but i don't know where my mistake is:
"input": "my-document-1-id, my-document-2-id"
I finnaly found an answer by looking at the source of the javascript client. If your input is a list of documents, you have to put docs: in front of the string, like this:
"input": "docs:my-document-1-id, my-document-2-id"
This is not in the documentation for the moment.
To specify a reference to a list of documents you should use a comma separated list of absolute document paths, or UID prefixed by the string "docs:"