Uploader API in Client Library of Nuxeo is not working

Hi, I am trying to upload a file using nuxeo client. Initialy I have created the client like below var client = new nuxeo.Client({

                                        baseURL: nuxeo_url,
                                        username: cms_user,
                                        password: cms_password
                                     client.schemas(['dublincore', 'file']);

For uploading a file in nuxeo 7.10 first I am creating a document and uploading the file and then attaching to the created document please find the snippet for the same. Upto uploader.uploadFile(file, function (fileIndex, file,timeDiff) function the flow is working but after that I am not getting any response. Please help me how to fix this. Thanks a lot.

var file = request.files.file,

                path = './uploads/'; ///var/cv/ams/uploads/';
            var buffer = file.buffer, // Note: buffer only populates if you set
                 mimetype = file.mimetype,
                fileName = file.name;
            file = fs.createReadStream(path + fileName);
            //logger.debug("File content : " + JSON.stringify(file));
            logger.debug('Batch Id : ' + batchId + ' mime type : ' + mimetype + ' file name : ' + fileName);
            var fileIndex = 0;
                    type: type,
                    name: fileName,
                    properties: 'dc:title=My Asset \ndc:description=A Test Asset'
                .input('doc:' + base_workspace + '/' + workspace)
                .execute(function (error, data) {
                    if (error) {
                        logger.error('Error : ' + error);
                        logger.error('Error : ' + JSON.stringify(error));
                        // something went wrong 
                        throw error;
                    var uploader = client.operation("Blob.Attach")
                            document: data.uid,
                            save: true,
                            xpath: "file:content"
                    logger.debug('Created ' + data.uid + ' uploader :');
                    // Upload the file
                    uploader.uploadFile(file, function (fileIndex, file,timeDiff) {
                        // When done, execute the operation
                        logger.debug("inside upload");
                        uploader.execute(function (error, data) {
                            logger.debug("inside execute");
                            if (error) {
                                // something went wrong
                                logger.error('Error : ' + error);
                                throw error;
                             response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
                                        logger.info("attaching completed..");                                            
                            logger.debug('Uploaded ' + JSON.stringify(data));
                            // successfully attached blob




file = fs.createReadStream(path + fileName);

            //console.log("File content : " + JSON.stringify(file));


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