How to add comment possibilities on my Document type published
I want to have the possibility to add comments on published documents. I want comments on source document and published document not shared between them.
How can I do that ?
1 votes
1 answers
Dear me,
Really interesting as I was asking me the same one.
You have simply to add the following xml fragment into Advanced Setting > XML Extensions > New > Choose a name:
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService"
<action id="view_comments_myproject" link="/incl/tabs/document_comments.xhtml"
enabled="true" order="80" label="action.view.comments">
<filter id="commentable_michelin2">
<rule grant="true">
Where MyDocType1 and MyDocType2 are the 2 doc types where you want to have the comments on their proxies.