Sent server start command but could not get process ID

What could be the different issues behind this message?

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3 answers



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  • Decrease JVM memory options in /bin/nuxeo.conf (/bin/nuxeo-sdk.conf when cannot start under Nuxeo IDE)
  • Lack of RAM memory -> check if you can kill other useless processes
1 votes

Are you sure about the first point? The JVM version is checked by the launcher before starting the server.

No I update my post thanks:)


The answer can be found on May 05 and May 03 related to the same topic. It should be noted that it is a temporary solution.

Please search with the subject .“Sent server start command but could not get process ID”. which explains the solutions.

It is important to note that it requires a good hardware configuration which is in the technical documentation.

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