Misbehavior on ILIKE with ElasticSearch: '%' at begining required

Hi, I'm getting a misbehavior with elasticsearch while casting a NXQL query with ILIKE operators. I mapped the fields lowercase_analyzer in the elasticsearch config file. It works perfect with ElasticSearch, but it cast different result depending on user type.

For example, an Administrator execute this NXQL:

SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation' AND ecm:isProxy = 0 AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0 AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted' AND pre:myCustomField ILIKE 'CUSTOM%'

And the query returns all results that starts with CUSTOM in that field, for example CUSTOM00001, CUSTOM0002… etc.

But the same query executed with a normal user returns 0 results. I have to execute the query using the wildcart at the begining

SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation' AND ecm:isProxy = 0 AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0 AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted' AND pre:myCustomField ILIKE '%CUSTOM%'

It happens with any field I configured and mapping for ilike in elasticsearch.

myCustomField is a String. The fields are mapped like the example in the blog:

"pre:myCustomField": {                                
      "type": "multi_field",                 
      "fields" : {                             
        "pre:myCustomField": {                          
          "include-in-all": true,              
          "type": "string"                   
        "lowercase": {                         
          "type": "string",                  
          "analyzer": "lowercase_analyzer"   
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1 answers



Does the normal user have enough rights to access to the documents fetched to the administrator?

Yes, he has, he can see same documents as Administrator, in fact, the documents are available vía browsing. The misbehavior is in the search page.

The two queries are different : ILIKE 'CUSTOM%' vs ILIKE '%CUSTOM%'

pibou Bouvret that's what I said in the answer. It's a bug in the Nuxeo translator query engine.


If I understand well the same query (ILIKE 'CUSTOM%') works for an administrator and not for a user that has the right to see the matching documents.

First make sure that the lowercase mapping is up to date by reindexing the repositories from the Admin Center/Elasticsearch/Admin. If it does not fix the problem, you can activate the Elasticsearch trace as described here:


So we can analyze the Elasticsearch request and response.



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