Problem downloading blob with url


I have a problem when I want to download a blob with a url like this on my website


I use authentification CAS2_AUTH and ANONYMOUS_AUTH. But when I am connect to this for the first time, I can't download it but a windows is prompt with differents repositories. And when I come back on website i can download it. But I want to download it without a windows is prompted for the first login.

This is my configuration


It's very strange because if I delete the AUNONYMOUS_AUTH and If I connect to my wrbsite without connected on nuxeo I can download it. But if I let this line I have the problem that I describe on top of this topic.

And my log I have this following error but I don't want to give anonymous read rights for this document

ERROR [org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.CoreSession] Permission 'Read' is not granted to 'guest' on document
ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/nuxeo]] Session event listener threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Please end the HttpSession via org.jboss.seam.web.Session.instance().invalidate()
at org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.web.common.exceptionhandling.NuxeoSecurityExceptionHandler.handleAnonymousException(NuxeoSecurityExceptionHandler.j
at org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.web.common.exceptionhandling.NuxeoSecurityExceptionHandler.handleException(

I really don't ubderstand what is my problem, If my configuration is bad or something like that. Thanks for your help.

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2 answers



what version of Nuxeo and hotfixes are you using?

Hello Thierry, I use 5.6 version with Hotfixes 26. Thanks for your help


HF29 includes a fix to a similar problem: it worths a try to check if it fixes your problem too.


2 votes

Thanks a lot for your help Thierry.

Hello Thierry,

Now, I use the 5.6 version with HF29, nuxeo-platform-login-cas2-5.6.jar and the same configuration which is written in this ticket Now I can download a document by a direct link with Firefox and Chrome but not with IE 9 10 and 11. When Itry to download one, I automatically redirect on logout CAS page. But with IE 8 it works fine.

Thank you for your help


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