CMIS Nuxeo and SSO

Hello ,

I want to test CMIS wsdl via SoapUI.

My nuxeo instance have SSO authentification .

When i try to get a response form the webservices ( i put a virtual user in my request) , it's return the html code of login page .

Any idea ? thanks

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2 answers



I will try to change order .

My actual order is :

    <authenticationPlugin name="PROXY_AUTH">
<!-- Include Proxy Auth into authentication chain -->
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.auth.service.PluggableAuthenticationService" point="chain">
            <!--  Keep basic Auth at top of Auth chain to support RSS access via BasicAuth -->
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i do not know what kind of Authentication service you want to use but you should have a look at the order of your plugins in the “chain” extension point of “org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.auth.service.PluggableAuthenticationService”.

For instance, if you want to use HTTP Auth for CMIS and Shibboleth for UI, you should have something like :

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.auth.service.PluggableAuthenticationService" point="chain">
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