Overriding default picture conversions in Nuxeo

I am trying to override the picture conversion.

By default, Nuxeo provides following OOTB converters

  • Thumbnail
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Orignal

I want to reduce the converters to

  • Thumbnail
  • Orignal

Following are the configurations that I have tried

  1. Created a Multi-Module Contribution

    target org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.picture.ImagingComponent

  2. Added following extension to the OSGI-INF/picture-conversion-core-contrib.xml file Ref

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.picture.ImagingComponent.default.config.override">
    <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.picture.ImagingComponent" point="pictureConversions">
        <pictureConversion chainId="Image.Blob.Resize" description="Thumbnail size" id="Thumbnail" maxSize="100" order="0" rendition="true"/>
        <pictureConversion chainId="Image.Blob.Resize" description="Original jpeg image" id="OriginalJpeg" order="100" rendition="true"/>

Even though the component is installed correctly on the Nuxeo server, the server is converting the images with default formats(ie. Thumbnail, Small, Medium, Large and Original).

What are the steps to override a default contribution in Nuxeo without Nuxeo studio?

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1 answers



Try disabling the default conversions. For example

<pictureConversion id="Large" enabled="false" />
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