Multiple Repositories: There are any way to avoid an Custom Schema be created in all databases?

Multiple Repositories: There are any way to avoid an Custom Schema be created in all databases?

Nowadays: We have An Nuxeo Instance with some repositories, and all Custom Schemas are created across all Repositories.

E.g.: Nuxeo Instance with-> Repo-A, Repo-B

Repo-A —> File, Dublincore, CustomSchemaA, CustomSchemaB, CustomSchemaB1, CustomSchemaB2

Repo-B —> File, Dublincore, CustomSchemaA, CustomSchemaB, CustomSchemaB1, CustomSchemaB2

I'd like to know if have some way to avoid it and have some logic that create the tables/types only at Repository that cares about the schema/doctype:

E.g.: Nuxeo Instance with-> Repo-A, Repo-B

Repo-A —> File, Dublincore, CustomSchemaA

Repo-B —> File, Dublincore, CustomSchemaB, CustomSchemaB1, CustomSchemaB2

Thanks in advance!

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1 answers



No, this is not possible. All repositories connected to a given Nuxeo instance share the same types and schemas.

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