Problem with ACLs when migrating data

hi I'm testing to export / import data between two instances of Nuxeo (from 5.4.1 to 5.7). I'm using the export tool in the selection tab. The document.xml produced contains ACLs and I'm trying to reproduce the same context : for instance, for such a line, I create the synonymic group “groupesLocaux:CPE”

but i'm having a problem with other lines and i can't really explain it

for instance :

an entry is created in the acls table and the group seems okay.

Any idea ?

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1 answers



Hi !

I'm in the same situation. After migration from nuxeo 5.8 to nuxeo 7.10 I've many troubles with ACLs. Some users can not publish, others can not see some workspace which they are managers etc… Did you find any solution please ?

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This post is 3 years old and is about upgrading from 5.4.1 to 5.7.

I would then advise you to perform an upgrade from 5.8 to 6.0 then to LTS2015 and having a look at the upgrade notes in Nuxeo documentation.

Are you sure you do not have any negative rights in you database

select * from acls where "grant" ='f' and "permission" != 'Everything';


NB : liste de diff gt-nuxeo d'Esup Portail

Thanks ! I have subscribed to the list and posted my problem. Now, I'm waiting for an answer