How to create additional properties for users and groups?

Hi all,

following the tuto in nuxeo studio documentation concerning the RH holidays request form, I was just wondering if it were possible rather than adding specific Vocabularies to map users with operationnal manager to modify the metadata of the user in order to add a field “operationnal manager”.

As this realation will be used really often (in my opinion) for many workflow it could be more “native” doing this way than relying on additionnal Vocabularies (that must be updated each time a user is added or deleted by the Admin).

More than the interest of this, I just wonder about the feasability to do it and how. I can't find anywhere in Studio to customise the users/groups metadata or form creation ? (I'm a early beginner with studio so perhpas totally missed it).

Thanks for your help


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1 answers



I think, what you are looking for, Nuxeo Studio is not the right tool to do that.

Today, modifying fields that implements the User Object is not integrated into the Nuxeo Studio. Before giving you the way to this, you have to understand that Nuxeo Studio open the world of Nuxeo EP configuration and development for the non-developper users/integrators. Interface is simple and intuitive for functional people. New functions appears days by days. This is not the case for your need.

I would implement your need with Nuxeo IDE. As I explained here, with social collaboration we provides a service to add custom values into user profiles. This not really hard, and maybe one day studio will provides this configuration easily but this service is too young and not yet integrated in studio. So follow my link and if you have some trouble you can try to create a new Question in answers.

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i forgot to tell that Social Collaboration module is for Nuxeo 5.5 and greater…