Clarification on Amazon S3 Configuration

Error message on Nuxeo console:

2012-03-12 12:17:29,726 WARN  [org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase] Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.
2012-03-12 12:18:08,919 WARN  [] cannot fetch content at C:\ProgramData\Nuxeo\data\binaries\data\39\3c\393cbf5fb07756374f7d41bb25454805 (file does not exist), check your configuration

Kindly let me know If I missed any steps

Regards Ravikiran

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Just to be sure, have you seen the warning at the end of the documentation?

If you previously had some binaries (attached documents) stored in your Nuxeo instance, they won't be migrated automatically. These old documents will appear to be empty.

If these are indeed new documents, we'll need more informations on your current configuration.



Thank you somuch for your valuable time. After Amazon S3 configuration in Nuxeo,There are no new files reflected in the Amazon S3 bucket. That was my issue. And there are no error messages related to Amazon S3 in the Nuxeo console log/ Server log. I am not able to see any change in Amazon S3 bucket. I have followed same steps per the below link expect "Crypto options".


Please describe what is your actual problem. What do you wish to know? You haven't stated that clearly.