gogeta vs arken/servce-amb

Looking on github you have both gogeta which is described as a http reverse proxy, and make use of arkenio/etcd-netfw which is described as a tcp port forwarder. They both appear to use the same etcd service config. The arkenio/etcd-netfw makes use of ambassadors where as the gogeta seems not to. Can you explain more on the scenarios of when you would choose one implementation over the other?

thanks, Dean

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1 answers



The intended use of gogeta is to proxy http requests from the outside world (internet) to the container where the service lives. The resolution is based on the domain name. The technical way of doing this is to proxify the http request. That means that we can take advantage of this (for instance by adding headers, capturing events etc…)

The intended use of etcd-netfw is to make ambassadors on which configuration (ie : the location of the service) may change dynamically. It works only for one service meaning you have to start several etcd-netfw per service you want to forward. On the technical part, it acts as a lower level than gogeta since it forwards tcp stream.

I've made a presentation of the nuxeo.io architecture at the NYC Docker meetup last month, it has been recorded and you can find the video and slides here : http://blogs.nuxeo.com/updates/2014/06/docker-meetup-review-dockers-role-nuxeoio/

1 votes

Perfect, just what I was after. Thanks Damien!