Explicitly go to a given view in an action seam doesn't work

this question is related to my previous question http://answers.nuxeo.com/questions/4209/bind-a-content-view-definition-to-a-particular-action-seam but since it's a slightly different situation I'll post another one:

I've created a fresh Action Seam using the wizard in Nuxeo Ide and I noticed in the source comments this lines inside the doGet method:

// If you want to explicitly go to a given view
    // just return the outcome string associated to the view
    // return "someView";

so I replaced the default return null with return "my_cool_view" inside the method

then I created a contribution to a Content View defined like this:

<component name="com.example.FilterView">
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.ContentViewService"
    <contentView name="my_cool_view">
            <property name="coreSession">#{documentManager}</property>
                SELECT * FROM Document WHERE
                dc:title = 'test'
            <sort column="dc:title" ascending="true" />
            <layout name="document_listing_ajax" title="document_listing"
                translateTitle="true" iconPath="/icons/document_listing_icon.png"
                showCSVExport="true" showPDFExport="true" showSyndicationLinks="true" />
            <layout name="document_listing_ajax_compact_2_columns" title="document_listing_compact_2_columns"
                translateTitle="true" iconPath="/icons/document_listing_compact_2_columns_icon.png" />
            <layout name="document_listing_ajax_icon_2_columns" title="document_listing_icon_2_columns"
                translateTitle="true" iconPath="/icons/document_listing_icon_2_columns_icon.png" />
        <actions category="CURRENT_SELECTION_LIST" />

but when I click the button of the action seam this doesn't show the other view.

What have I done wrong?

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