What's the limits of Nuxeo DM free edition ?

Hello, I use Nuxeo DM free edition and I have a problem for manage users. I have already create some users but now (since som days) I can't add or delete user.

In fact, I haven't button “add” or “delete” in users and groups section.

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1 answers



Thank you.

It's Nuxeo DM 5.3.2, I am connected with the Administrator account. I haven't error in interface.

I have just this line in /var/log/nuxeo-dm/stderr.log : 2012-04-24 13:35:45,218 ERROR [STDERR] Cajoled cache createdorg.apache.shindig.common.cache.ehcache.EhConfiguredCache@19bece1

this is a picture of the interface


Could you please specify more technical detail? What version of software are you using? How are you logged in? Do you see any errors in the logs?

Your problem seems to be that you don't have any users. Where's your user database?

The "Cajoled cache" line can be ignored, it's generated by a third-party library about which we can't do anything.

Hello Florent,

I already have some users but I can delete them or create new users. I am connected with th Administrator account and I have not add button or delete button (cf picture). My data base is one basic H2


Nuxeo 5.3.2 is quite old, I really would upgrade to Nuxeo 5.5 first. I don't really want to debug such an old version…

I understand ! I will try to upgrade to 5.5

One small note about the free edition statement in your question: Nuxeo installable products are open source and free. There is no, and there has not been, a distinction into free and non-free editions of Nuxeo Document Management. Please also note that in the current version (5.5 & up) Nuxeo DM is only one of many modules that you can install in Nuxeo CAP). For more detail see: Getting started with Nuxeo . Nuxeo does indeed provide paid services, but the installable product does not fit into that category.

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