What's the limits of Nuxeo DM free edition ?
Hello, I use Nuxeo DM free edition and I have a problem for manage users. I have already create some users but now (since som days) I can't add or delete user.
In fact, I haven't button “add” or “delete” in users and groups section.
One small note about the free edition statement in your question: Nuxeo installable products are open source and free. There is no, and there has not been, a distinction into free and non-free editions of Nuxeo Document Management. Please also note that in the current version (5.5 & up) Nuxeo DM is only one of many modules that you can install in Nuxeo CAP). For more detail see: Getting started with Nuxeo . Nuxeo does indeed provide paid services, but the installable product does not fit into that category.
It's Nuxeo DM 5.3.2, I am connected with the Administrator account. I haven't error in interface.
I have just this line in /var/log/nuxeo-dm/stderr.log : 2012-04-24 13:35:45,218 ERROR [STDERR] Cajoled cache createdorg.apache.shindig.common.cache.ehcache.EhConfiguredCache@19bece1
this is a picture of the interface
I already have some users but I can delete them or create new users. I am connected with th Administrator account and I have not add button or delete button (cf picture). My data base is one basic H2