how to replace WebActionsBean class?

In the JSF user interface there is a bug and in the tasks dashboard a next button raises an error:

Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: /widgets/actions/document_actions_widget_template.xhtml @12,16 value="#{webActions.getDocumentActions(actionContextDocument, widgetProperty_category, not widgetProperty_disableFiltered, widgetProperty_postFilter)}" Cannot convert org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.task.dashboard.DashBoardItemImpl@106772e2 of type class org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.task.dashboard.DashBoardItemImpl to interface org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModel

One of the obvious solution is to replace the WebActionsBean class by an improved version using a precedence parameter of the install annotation, but there is declared a member of the class MultiNavTreeManager with type of WebActionsBean and the same situation is in the class UserPreferencesActions. The member of type MultiNavTreeManager class is declared in SuggestboxActions class etc.

I am not sure why there is used the WebActionsBean class as a type of members instead of the WebActions interface, but it looks like a bug,

Is there any reasonable way of replacing the WebActionsBean class?

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