Is the function PHP getProperty of a document not yet implemented?

Am I correct that this function in the PHP library/client for REST automation has not been implemented yet?

$docVersion = $this->documents[$index]->getProperty('dc:version') ;

Where documents[] is the resultset of a call : `$this->answer = $this->session->newRequest(“Document.Query”)

                                    ->set('params', 'query', $query)


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2 answers



Thanks for the feedback. I did some further testing.


      *  Generialised PropertyGet function
      *  @param string propertyName
      *  @param string propertyDescription
      *  @param int index
      *  @return string value
      *  or
      *  @return boolean false
    private function getDocumentProperty($name, $desc, $index) {
        global $logdebug;
        if ($index > $this->getNumberOfDocumentsInResultset() ) {
            if ($logdebug) {
                $this->logger->addInfo($desc . " : the index provided (".$index.") is beyond the scope of the document list (".$this->getNumberOfDocumentsInResultset().")");
            $value = false ;
        else {
            $value = $this->documents[$index]->getProperty($name) ; // deviation from regular property queries
            //$value = $this->documents[$index]->getProperty("'".$name."'") ;
            //$value = $this->documents[$index]->getProperty("'dc:creator'") ;
            if ($logdebug) {
                $this->logger->addInfo("Get property ".$name);
                $docname = $this->getDocumentTitle($index);
                $this->logger->addInfo("Getting property from document titled '" . $docname . "'");
            if ($logdebug) {
                $this->logger->addDebug("Get ".$desc . " index = ".$index);
                $this->logger->addDebug("Get ".$desc . " resultsetsize = ".$this->getNumberOfDocumentsInResultset());
                $this->logger->addDebug($desc . " = ".$value);
        return ($value) ;

It should be called like: $this->getDocumentProperty('dc:creator', "DocumentCreator", 0) Result is an empty string. This is regardless of the property. This is a bit weird as a direct call like: $this->documents[$index]->getTitle() produces a proper result.

This is especially hard to debug as I see no exceptions or errors, just an empty result string. Any pointers much appreciated.

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This code works fine for me.

   *  Generialised PropertyGet function
   * @param string propertyName
   * @param string propertyDescription
   * @param int index
   * @return string value
   *  or
   * @return boolean false
  public function getDocumentProperty($name, $desc, $index) {
      $value = $this->documents[$index]->getProperty($name); // deviation from regular property queries
    return ($value);

You may have some warning or error somewhere, did you try activate some debug ?


I added the following line to my code the make my monolog debugging more verbose:

$this->logger->addInfo(var_export($this->documents[$index], true));

which gave interesting results. Facets is filled as expected etc etc BUT the property array is empty! This is especially weird as when I play around with a local installation of the playground I do get proper results.

To give an idea of what I (do not) get:

NuxeoAutomationClientNuxeoDocument::__set_state(array( 'object' => array ( 'entity-type' => 'document', 'repository' => 'default', 'uid' => 'eed85afa-bbb4-47e1-86f4-6b125f2256d2', 'path' => '/default-domain/workspaces/Trial workspace/Olympia', 'type' => 'Collection', 'state' => 'project', 'parentRef' => '6c47f32b-37f9-46f2-80e8-6ec363b88cc9', 'isCheckedOut' => true, 'changeToken' => '1463495454433', 'title' => 'Olympia', 'lastModified' => '2016-05-17T14:30:54.43Z', 'properties' => array ( ), 'facets' => array ( 0 => 'Versionable', 1 => 'DocumentsSizeStatistics', 2 => 'Collection', 3 => 'NotCollectionMember', ), ), 'properties' => array ( ), ))

Also notable: it does not mater what type of document it is: collection, document etc: the properties are always empty.


Have you tried to perform the query manually or at least debug the raw response of the Nuxeo server ?

I did test on/with the local nuxeo playground. But that was not an exact test of the querry so I did some further testing which provided more questions than answers :-(

Python code: from pprint import pprint

URL = "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/automation/" USER = 'Administrator' PASSWD = 'Administrator'

cookie_processor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor() opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookie_processor) urllib2.install_opener(opener)

def execute(command, input=None, **params):

auth = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(USER + ":" + PASSWD).strip()
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json+nxrequest",
    "Authorization": auth}
d = {}
if params:
    d['params'] = params
if input:
    d['input'] = input
if d:
    data = json.dumps(d)
    data = None
req = urllib2.Request(URL + command, data, headers)

    resp =
except Exception, e:
    exc = json.load(e.fp)
    print exc['message']
    print exc['stack']
s =
if s:
    return json.loads(s)
    return None

print " Cartilage.pdf " doc = execute("Document.Query", query="SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:primaryType='File' AND ecm:path='/default-domain/workspaces/Trial workspace/mydoc.pdf'") pprint(doc) print print " test.pdf " print " (a file which is the result of a copy/paste/rename operation in Nuxeo on the document above) " doc = execute("Document.Query", query="SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:primaryType='File' AND ecm:path='/default-domain/workspaces/Trial workspace/test.pdf'")

This resulted in: mydoc.pdf {'currentPageIndex': 0, 'currentPageSize': 1, 'entity-type': 'documents', 'entries': [{'changeToken': '1460645157000',

          'entity-type': 'document',
          'facets': ['Versionable',
          'isCheckedOut': True,
          'lastModified': '2016-04-14T14:45:57.00Z',
          'parentRef': '6c47f32b-37f9-46f2-80e8-6ec363b88cc9',
          'path': '/default-domain/workspaces/Trial workspace/mydoc.pdf',
          'repository': 'default',
          'state': 'project',
          'title': 'mydoc.pdf',
          'type': 'File',
          'uid': '96b6c4be-009a-4c24-88be-661a4460f4b5'}],

'errorMessage': None, 'hasError': False, 'isLastPageAvailable': False, 'isNextPageAvailable': False, 'isPaginable': True, 'isPreviousPageAvailable': False, 'isSortable': True, 'maxPageSize': 1000, 'numberOfPages': 1, 'pageCount': 1, 'pageIndex': 0, 'pageSize': 0, 'resultsCount': 1, 'totalSize': 1}

test.pdf (a file which is the result of a copy/paste/rename operation in Nuxeo on the document above) {'currentPageIndex': 0, 'currentPageSize': 0, 'entity-type': 'documents', 'entries': [], 'errorMessage': None, 'hasError': False, 'isLastPageAvailable': False, 'isNextPageAvailable': False, 'isPaginable': True, 'isPreviousPageAvailable': False, 'isSortable': True, 'maxPageSize': 1000, 'numberOfPages': 1, 'pageCount': 1, 'pageIndex': 0, 'pageSize': 0, 'resultsCount': 0, 'totalSize': 0}

Leaving me with questions: a) why do I get empty properties as a result from my query on 'mydoc.pdf' while properties exist within Nuxeo and within the playground? b) why do I get less info on my second query while the docs are identical in above example c) above example shows an empty resultset entries[] for some reason, but no errors. Is this intentional and correct? Why? (the file does exist at te location specified in the query)


About your original question and a), make sure to query for at least any schema (*) to get the properties (setSchema method with the PHP Client) as I don't see it in your python sample.

  $answer = $session->newRequest("Document.Query")
    ->set('params', 'query', $query)

You can see it is sent by the playground when looking at the headers tab.

About b) and c), note that the path or your copied/renamed document is not /default-domain/workspaces/Trial workspace/test.pdf, see the comment on the following Use the export function to see the real path of your document and you should see the properties.


Thanks. It turned out that in the PHP code the headers were not set properly. $schema='"'"; versus $schema=''; made the difference. Obviously the schema was not set at all in the Python code.

The link to SUBNXP-13310 gives an "issue not found" error btw.


Hi Olaf,

Try :

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