drop and drag on firefox 9.01

Hello all,

I,m using Nuxeo 5.5 with no modifications on Ubuntu-server 11.10
on the client i use firefox 9.01 os = opensuse 12.1

When i use the firefox plugin the drag and drop function for folders it seems not to work. when i select a single file it's working fine do.

  • log in as any user
  • go to personal workspace.
  • drag and drop an folder in your personal workspace.

You see now that the upload is in progress, only nothing is happening. uploading a folder to the clipboard and workspace.


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1 answers




Are you sure you are using the Nuxeo FF plugin? If installed, the plugin should display a “Plugin Disabled” message in the status bar.
Since 5.4.2, Nuxeo is using HTML5 which doesn't allow folder drag and drop. See how-make-drag-n-drop-with-folder-functionnal.

0 votes

It,s working fine under IE8 with the plugin. with FF i get no message in my status bar

IE8 doesn't work with HTML5, so you have to use the Nuxeo plugin, which allows drop of folders.<br> Using Firefox, the Nuxeo plugin is no more used since FF works with HTML5. The current drawback is you cannot drop a folder.<br> If you need to perform a mass import, see Import a file system.

Perfect i will check that out



Hello Julien,

This will seriously impede the usability and user acceptance from nuxeo. We need a user friendly, (self service) solution. We want users upload there own data (folders and files). And i talk about a lot of users and data here. So is there a simple way (no IE8) for a user with no computer knowledge to upload his/her data? Or is there a solution in one of the next nuxeo releases?



FYI, the Firefox plugin is downloadable from http://www.nuxeo.com/en/downloads/desktop-integration and its sources code is available at http://hg.nuxeo.org/desktop-integration/nuxeo-dragdrop/&lt;br&gt; The solution I think about is making the plugin browse the dropped directory and call the current Javascript for each file. The development is not very complex. Of course, we will look at improving that in a later release.<br> Note, if you feel good at doing the changes yourselves, you contribution would be welcome.

Thanks for the url's Julien. I appreciate this only my java skills ain't good yet to make a contribution. in the meantime i am looking forward to the next Nuxeo release to test it for my company.



See LIVED-237.

Note I suggested that subject for the next Nuxeo Sprint (if there are volunteers).
