Drag n Drop of "Zip Tree XML Export" Workspace archive onto Workspaces fails

A few minutes ago on demo.nuxeo.com, I did the following logged in as Administrator:

  1. Create workspace myWorkspace within default-domain/workspaces
  2. Upload textFile1.txt to myWorkspace
  3. Zip Tree XML Export myWorkspace
  4. Delete myWorkspace
  5. Permanently delete myWorkspace
  6. Drop&Drop myWorkspace export.zip archive onto default-domain/workspaces

The following error was displayed:

You cannot upload here (insufficient rights, or bad configuration)

Should this work? If so, should I report this as a bug in JIRA?

Note this appears to work for a folder within a workspace, but not a workspace itself.

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1 answers



Drag & drop is still constrained by the allowed document types for import, and in the Workspaces root there are no actions defined to allow import.

The action Chain.FileManager.ImportInSeam used by drag & drop uses <filter-id>create</filter-id> to defined where it's allowed, and this filter is by default defined with just the types Workspace, TemplateRoot, Section, Folder, and OrderedFolder, plus those added by plugins (grep for <filter id="create" append="true"> in the source to see which).

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