Nuxeo content view problem

Hi :) I am facing a problem displaying a content view in the dashboard(home) for a specific group of users. I have defined a content view named “KA-Pergjegjes_Departamenti_Dashboard”.I have created 2 xml extensions : the widget and the action

  <properties widgetMode="any">
    <property name="contentViewName">KA-Pergjegjes_Departamenti_Dashboard</property>
    <property name="foldable">true</property>
    <property name="hideEmpty">false</property>
    <property name="useAjaxPagination">true</property>

 <filter id="filter@ShfaqPergjegjes">
    <rule grant="true">
    <property name="widgetName">dashboard_pergjegjes_requests</property>

where the condition is true only for users that belong to “Drejtor” group.Now if i add a member to “Drejtor” group and i log in as this user the content view is not displayed.If i give at least a READ permission in the domain to this user and i log in again the content view is displayed.This also works if i add the Administrator to “Drejtor” group.Can someone tell me what is wrong?

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Any idea