Advanced mode configuration : try to reference every possibility of test functions ?
I would like to reference every possible fonction we can use in “advanced mode configuration” to test field and then display or not field.
So I need to know what sort of test we can do there and if I understood well this is in “JBoss EL” ? Or just EL ?
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1 answers
Anahide Tchertchian
JBoss EL is one of the existing implementations of EL, that's the one used by Nuxeo at runtime in this context.
thank you very much Anahide !
As for me I referenced this links:
- JSTL LIB used by Nuxeo
- NXD tags
- Standard Nuxeo doc with examples of advanced mode configuration
- Technical Nuxeo Doc with lot of information about different languages and referenced doc
- Documentation with explanation of default variables exposed in layouts
- JAVA EL such as this key words
- All Seam components methods
Did I miss some?
I edited your post to add Seam components, they can also be used in this context, but it looks pretty complete :)