Bulk document importer help needed

Hello all,

I try to get the Bulk document importer working only i,m stuck atm.

I put those 2 jar files on my nuxeo 5.5 server in the nxserver/bundles folder and give it a restart.

  • I use firefox and login with my account
  • Open an new tab and use http://
  • I open a new tab again and use the next GET HTTP line (also with no get in front)


  • Using the last line in a new tab, i see the following.


DEBUG : Filter with blockSyncPostCommitProcessing set false, blockAsyncProcessing set false, blockMimeTypeDetection set false and blockNotifications set true, was added on the importer with the hash code 900849454. The source node name is Documents  
DEBUG : Running filter with blockSyncPostCommitProcessing set false, blockAsyncProcessing set false, blockMimeTypeDetection set false and blockNotifications set true, on the importer with the hash code 900849454. The source node name is test  
INFO : All Threads terminated  
INFO : 0 docs created  
INFO : 0.0 docs/s  

If i look at the server log i see /home/john/test (no such file or directory)

if i use curl i get the same results.

Any idea?

I'm using Nuxeo 5,5 on Ubuntu-server 11.10 running in Virtualbox.
Client1 firefox and opera running on opensuse 12.1
Client2 IE8 on windows XP (also running in virtualbox

0 votes

2 answers




The path you want to import must be located on the server filesystem.

0 votes

Thanks again Julien, it is working now.

100 points


Hello Julien,

Is there a way to copy data from a external source like a share on a file-server ?


The local path can be a shared drive mounted on the server.


can anyone pls provide command for windows server 2008? especially the path.

is below correct for windows server? http://

0 votes