TreeInstance - Use only one PublicationTree with multiple domains
I currently have multiple domains (6 in total) on my instance Nuxeo. Each domains have a sectionRoot by default.
I would like to use only one sectionRoot for all users and delete the others sectionRoot.
I looked at the extension point “treeInstance” but I can't override it. Nuxeo always keeps the basic configuration and add my contribution.
Below is my contrib :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.aclille.ecm.platform.publisher.contrib">
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.publisher.impl.service.PublisherServiceImpl" point="treeInstance">
<publicationTreeConfig factory="CoreProxy" localSectionTree="false" name="DefaultSectionsTree" title="label.publication.tree.local.sections" tree="RootSectionsCoreTree" >
<parameter name="RootPath">/projets-academiques-domain/sections</parameter>
<parameter name="enableSnapshot">true</parameter>
<parameter name="iconExpanded">/icons/folder_open.gif</parameter>
<parameter name="iconCollapsed">/icons/folder.gif</parameter>
Thanks for advance
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