Event which can be triggered when nuxeo server started sucessfully

I want to add some values in vocabulary when the nuxeo server started successfully. Is there any event which can be triggered to achieve this or any other way i can do this, i just want to add these values from a csv files and only once

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1 answers




In Nuxeo Studio, depending on your creation policy, you can update your vocabulary entries. It can be declared in the vocabulary configuration, and be linked to a CSV file.


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Thank you for reply but i want to add data from csv to predefined vocabularies like eventTypes and eventCategories.

You can use the automation operation https://explorer.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/site/distribution/Nuxeo%20Platform%20LTS%202019-10.10/viewOperation/Directory.CreateVocabularyEntry. But still thinking about the way to automate it on startup… I use to have a button dedicated to admin for that.

Yes i can use this operation but i want to automate it on startup