task not appearing when workflow is started from automation chain

I created a workflow in Studio that works well when triggered with the standard start button. I tried to trigger it with an event (document creation) binded to an automation chain with Workflow Context -> Start Workflow. The workflow is started but there is no task to assignee. I tried with Users and Groups -> Login As surrounding Start Workflow to see if there is any difference: still no task created.

What's wrong?


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4 answers




Like beatrizspereza, I'm calling the start workflow from another workflow. 2nd workflow's running but with the system user. I've tried things like “Set Workflow Variable” with 'assignees' variable and @{CurrentUser} as value or “Users and Groups -> Login As”, but without success.
How and when (before, after start?) assign the workflow task?

I'm working with the 5.6.0-HF-06 version.


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My colleague in 5.6.0-HF-07 version, had tested the "start workflow" operation at the creation of the document when a user click on a button to run a workflow. This works for him and still not for me, but in Nuxeo Studio operation display, he got a check box for start. For unknown reason, I do not have this parameter (only the workflow id). If he disable the start parameter, the workflow is not fully started (the automation chain call from the start node is not launch and there is no step indicated in the displayed graph)


Yes, if the "start" is not set to true, the workflow instance is created but not started ( set to running). You should see this parameter when using the operation from Nuxeo Studio with both target platforms 5.6 and 5.7. Did you override it from a registry? ( check the Automation Operations registry in Settings & Versioning)


Thanks for answer but my target platform is "Nuxeo DM 5.6 (NEW version)", like my colleague and there is nothing in my Automation Operations registry.

Can you give me the id of your studio project?


Thx, this is related to a Studio bug, it will be fixed for the next release, meanwhile like a workaround you can override the definition of this operation by overriding it from Automation Operations registry. Add : { "operations": [

{"id":"Context.StartWorkflow","label":"Start workflow","category":"Workflow Context","requires":"Workflow","description":"Starts the workflow with the given model id on the input documents. Returns back the input documents. The created workflow instance id is available under the \"WorkflowId\" context variable","url":"Context.StartWorkflow","signature":["document","document","documents","documents"],"params":[{"name":"id","type":"string","required":true,"widget":null,"order":0,"values":[]},{"name":"start","type":"boolean","required":false,"widget":null,"order":0,"values":[]}]

}] }


Yes! It works! Thanks. I don't known if it was the same problem for the others, but this is OK for me, to start a initial workflow as to start a workflow from another one.

Just replace the double quote in the description by single quote around WorkflowId in the description part …The created workflow instance id is available under the 'WorkflowId' context variable…


And for my initial problem, system assignation at the start of the workflow, the problem is solved by the 5.6.0-HF-07 version


The browser shouldn't make a difference.
I just tested on the last HF ( 5.6.0-HF-06) and I manged to start the Serial Default workflow from a listener and have the first task correctly assigned. Can you re-test on this HF and if the bug is still present give us a scenario to reproduce it? Thx,

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Hi! I did all the things you suggest, but none of them works for me! do you have installed all the hotfixs? I work with Moxilla Firefox does it make a difference? I´m calling the start workflo operation from another workflow, and it start the workflow but doesnt asign the tasks

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I've seen similar things happen on this machine. I've found that sometimes going back to the folders, refreshing them, and reloading the document works.

Other times, going to the Home screen works. The newly assigned task will appear under the “My Tasks” widget.

And, other times, I've had to log out and log back in.

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